Pediatric Ergo Tables
by Synetik ErgoCareLightweight yet stable, this sleekly designed desk is sturdy and fits easily through regular doorframes making it a pratical addition to any room such as a classroom, study, office, etc.
Lightweight yet stable, this sleekly designed desk is sturdy and fits easily through regular doorframes making it a pratical addition to any room such as a classroom, study, office, etc.
Custom-built desks to fit the needs of the student and their equipment. Contact us for more information.
Call 1-844-821-0075 and request details about the Pediatric Ergo Tables.
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Our specialty division is built around three core convictions. These beliefs stem from our desire to elevate the human body and help our daily users realise their potential. It is our great unifier—this simple, versatile body that we all inhabit.
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